Meet the Team

Your partners in achieving healthy high performance

From one-to-one coaching to seminars and organisational implementation, our experts are here to help you get more done without burning yourself out.

Getting things done, together

Through our range of coaching, consulting and training services, we work with individuals and teams to help them achieve the kind of healthy high performance that’s always seemed out of reach. Our team has years of experience training others in building sustainable habits and practising them ourselves. We’re also proud to be the only International Partner of the David Allen Company in the UK and Ireland certified to teach the Getting Things Done® (GTD) methodology. 

about healthy high performance with next action associates training

Our Experts

Get to know the coaches, consultants and GTD experts you’ll be working with.

of Fortune 100 have had some form of GTD training
years serving the UK market
UK Companies served
past participants would recommend us

Get in touch

If you’re looking to build a better foundation for clarity, focus and healthy high performance, reach out and see how we can help.

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