
fun-loving assistant office manager who makes sure that everyone stays focused with their GTD® practice

A quote that resonates with me:
Office Entertainer

Myko is our fun-loving assistant office manager who makes sure that everyone stays focused with their GTD® practice so there is ample time to give him plenty of attention, treats and belly rubs. Don’t let his small size fool you, Myko makes his presence known and demands constant playtime from the other furry associates.

Most of the time they can’t be bothered, but every so often Myko’s persistence prevails. Usually, wherever Myko can be found, LeAnn is not too far away. He especially enjoys adventures in the park, traveling to new places, and food that doesn’t belong to him. No matter the form of transport, Myko is always ready to go and one of our most enthusiastic four-pawed associates.

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of Fortune 100 have had some form of GTD training
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