What we do

Creating pathways into healthy high performance

Our services are designed to enable you to grab hold of a new way of living and working – both by staying energised in high pressure environments and rested when you leave them. 

Our work broadly falls into two categories:

  • How we help organisations – from new startups to media giants and multinationals 

  • How we help individuals – from leaders in the business and public sectors to anyone looking for a new way of navigating their lives.

We also offer a community and events for people on their healthy high performance journey.

training with next action associates

Organisational support

Ground healthy high performance in the routines of your people and the rituals of your organisation. 

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Give your teams a new bespoke playbook to experience greater morale, collaboration, and innovation.

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Give your people a foothold in healthy high performance and the Getting Things Done® methodology.

Individual support

Whether you’re flying solo or leading a team of thousands, we’ll help you find the headspace, clarity and energy for what’s next. 

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one-to-one coaching

Create the space you need for strategic thinking, and get tried-and-tested tools to bring new energy to your sphere of influence.

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ADHD Coaching

See how the GTD methodology has brought healthy high performance in reach for people with ADHD in high-demand roles.

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Open-enrolment courses

Get grounded in healthy high performance for yourself, or sample what we can offer the rest of your organisation.

high performance networking events
David Allen
is regularly amongst our guest speakers

Community & events

Our events give curious executives and department leaders a chance to see how healthy high performance is changing what’s possible for our community and their organisations.

of Fortune 100 have had some form of GTD training
years serving the UK market
UK Companies served
past participants would recommend us

Get in touch

If you’re looking to build a better foundation for clarity, focus and healthy high performance, reach out and see how we can help.

Get in touch