GTD coaching for ADHD

Trying to keep on top of everything with a mind that works differently?

High-demand roles throw so many distractions our way, so many options, so many opportunities to let something slip. As someone with ADHD, even if you do manage to keep on top of it all, you might be completely drained when the day is done.

Healthy high performance might feel like a distant dream right now, but we’re here to tell you it’s within your grasp.

A proven method to manage ADHD in a high-demand role

Let’s get this out of the way first – neither the Getting Things Done® (GTD) methodology nor our coaching is intended to diagnose or treat the biological underpinnings of ADHD and its core symptoms. 

That said, many high performing people find GTD highly effective in helping tackle the personal and professional challenges they face as a result of ADHD symptoms. Our coaching will tailor the GTD methodology to address the unique situations you face.

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Why GTD works for people with ADHD

ADHD can impact your working memory

How GTD helps: GTD encourages capturing all commitments in an external system, including calendar entries and reminder lists that are optimised to the way you think and work best. This externalisation means less reliance on working memory, reducing cognitive load and the likelihood of forgetting important tasks.

ADHD can leave you overwhelmed by choices and options

How GTD helps: GTD offers a structured approach to reviewing tasks by context, priority, and timelines. You can adjust your priorities and habits as needed, stay on track, and avoid the pitfalls of ‘out-of-sight, out-of-mind’.

ADHD can make it hard to maintain focus

How GTD helps: GTD helps you to focus on one clear, manageable action at a time. By reducing anxiety and distractions about other tasks or forgotten responsibilities, GTD can also help you to be more present in the moment.

Our certified GTD coaches

Your certified GTD coach will be experienced in adapting the methodology to a huge range of individual needs, including ADHD-specific challenges.  

In our intensive one-to-one coaching programme, you’ll work with your coach to assess every aspect of your working practices and environment. You’ll also put personalised systems in place that create more room for focus, clarity and energy in your day-to-day.

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The coaching program will typically cover:

  • One-to-one guidance with your coach

  • Setting up, reviewing and optimising a personalised GTD system

  • Strategies for effective calendar, email and messaging management

  • Development of a comprehensive project inventory to enhance perspective

  • Guidance on how to prioritise tasks and commitments at various levels

That’s the basics. Needless to say though, we’ll customise our coaching to meet your needs right from the programme’s outset and as we move through the weeks together.

of Fortune 100 have had some form of GTD training
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Get in touch

If you’re looking to build a better foundation for clarity, focus and healthy high performance, reach out and see how we can help.

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