Lee Chalmers

Certified GTD Coach as well as a consultant, facilitator and personal coach who specialises in authenticity, sustainable and ethical leadership development

A quote that resonates with me:
Senior Associate

Lee Chalmers is a Certified GTD Coach as well as a consultant, facilitator and personal coach who specialises in authenticity, sustainable and ethical leadership development. She has worked in the development business for seven years and has worked with business leaders around the world. She has coached senior members of companies such as HSBC, KPMG, BP, Arts Council and CapGemini. Lee's first and second degrees are in Philosophy and she has qualifications in Psychotherapy and Counselling and Coaching, from Regents College, The Coaching Academy, The Newfield Network and The Teleos Leadership Institute. She is particularly sought after to help leaders deal with increasingly complex roles, to identify how to motivate and guide teams, as well as delivering strategic objectives.

of Fortune 100 have had some form of GTD training
years serving the UK market
UK Companies served
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