GTD® Methodology Guides (PDF Only)

£ 6.00 GBP

The GTD Methodology Guides distils the best practices of GTD into beautifully printed and durable colour templates.

Each 5"" x 8.5"" (13cm x 21.5cm) card covers one of the key models for learning and maintaining your GTD practice including:

Incompletion Trigger Lists (for doing a Mind Sweep)
Natural Planning Model® (to help plan your projects)
Project Planning Trigger List (to help generate creative ideas)
Mastering Workflow Overview (to remind you of the 5 phases of getting control)
The GTD Weekly Review® checklist (to coach you through the critical success factor)
The GTD Clarifying Map (featuring the new updated version released in 2015)
Horizons of Focus® (for developing your priorities)

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The GTD Methodology Guides distils the best practices of GTD into beautifully printed and durable colour templates.

£ 6.00 GBP
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