December 3, 2015

Marshall Goldsmith, the coaches’ coach, on thinking to support your GTD journey

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Marshall Goldsmith, the coaches’ coach, on thinking to support your GTD journey

This month I interviewed Leadership Coach, Marshall Goldsmith.

Marshall has just been recognised as the world’s number one leadership thinker.  He is a coach to many of the Fortune 500 CEOs and a past president.  His forte is behavioural change.

In the interview Marshall explains how to pick some behaviours you’d like to improve and suggests a process for making the change.  

Read the full Marshall Goldsmith interview here.

How is this relevant to GTD, you may ask?  As you know the Getting Things Done method consists of five behaviours – Capture, Clarify, Organise, Reflect and Engage.

In the interview Marshall explains how to go about maximising your daily GTD practice by suggesting that at the end of each day you ask your self a simple question “Did I do my best to…..practice capturing”  (or clarify etc). It’s a powerful technique and is explained in depth during the interview.

After the interview Marshall told me that he is disciple of GTD – “I am a great fan of David Allen and GTD.  He worked as my coach (when we were both a lot younger) and changed my life in a very positive way.  He helped me achieve a focus and clarity that would not have been possible without his assistance.”

Marshall also discusses themes central to your GTD practice:

1) Setting clear goals
2) Continually strive to make progress toward goal achievement
3) Try to find meaning in each day
4) Do our best to be happy
5) Build positive relationships
6) Be fully engaged

I hope that Marshall’s words and enthusiasm inspire you to take your GTD practice to the next level.

of Fortune 100 have had some form of GTD training
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