February 24, 2021

How To Say NO - and Feel Good About It

Sometimes, we just need to say no. When we are feeling overwhelmed, we often need to just be firm about not taking on any more, but saying "no" is often a hard thing to do. Ignoring requests or showing resistance can also damage relationships - including the one you have with yourself about your own integrity. So how do we strike the balance between saying yes and becoming overwhelmed, and shutting things down by saying no? Watch to find out.

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How To Say NO - and Feel Good About It

Sometimes, we just need to say no. When we are feeling overwhelmed, we often need to just be firm about not taking on any more, but saying "no" is often a hard thing to do. Ignoring requests or showing resistance can also damage relationships - including the one you have with yourself about your own integrity.

So how do we strike the balance between saying yes and becoming overwhelmed, and shutting things down by saying no? Watch to find out.

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