April 12, 2021

How To Be Productive When You're Not Feeling It

Do you ever find that when you're trying to get things done, you're just not 'feeling it'? It happens to all of us - we run out of creative energy, capacity to think, or just experience a bit of a blank. Sometimes, it's good to embark on a task that doesn't require much thinking, and sometimes, it's beneficial just to leave it for another day and take a break instead. Todd Brown reassures us that it's normal to sometimes hit a wall with productivity, and if you're not feeling it, it's perfectly ok to walk away and save it for another time.

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How To Be Productive When You're Not Feeling It

Do you ever find that when you're trying to get things done, you're just not 'feeling it'? It happens to all of us - we run out of creative energy, capacity to think, or just experience a bit of a blank. Sometimes, it's good to embark on a task that doesn't require much thinking, and sometimes, it's beneficial just to leave it for another day and take a break instead.

Todd Brown reassures us that it's normal to sometimes hit a wall with productivity, and if you're not feeling it, it's perfectly ok to walk away and save it for another time.

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