December 1, 2016

GTD at Christmas

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GTD at Christmas

It’s that time of year when we start thinking about Christmas. For many, it’s not all red-nosed reindeer and fairy lights, however, because Christmas is in fact one of the most stressful times of the year – mostly due to the amount of planning that is involved. In this respect, GTD is perfect to support the planning and organisation that goes into coordinating a great Christmas – whether it’s at the office, at home, with friends or with family (or all of the above). Adding Christmas as a Project will help you establish all the items that require your attention in order to make Christmas run like clockwork and for you to have a stress-free festive period with all the trimmings.

Check out this short video to find out how GTD can help you this Christmas, and you also might want to have a look at Ed Lamont’s Christmas Season Checklist blog, which gives you an idea of how you can navigate your way through the madness and embrace the festive spirit.

Happy planning!

Take advantage of our limited Christmas promotion, where we are giving away a free GTD book with every order over £20 (excluding shipping) between 5th and 19th December only.


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