July 23, 2010

David Allen brings his seminar, GTD Making It All Work, to London on September 28th

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David Allen brings his seminar, GTD Making It All Work, to London on September 28th

GTD Making It All Work, is a one day event led by David Allen to introduce you to Getting Things Done concepts and principles. GTD Making It All Work offers a higher level, more theoretical overview of the GTD concepts. The seminar will focus on the whole picture of the self-consulting process, including prioritizing from multiple horizons, applying the core productivity principles, and making change stick, also offering the opportunity to see David Allen live. Join David at the Bloomsbury Hotel, 16-22 Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3NN on September 28th. You can learn more about the GTD Making It All Work seminar series and register here. Register before August 15 with the discount code London2010 to receive an additional 10% savings.

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